Friday, July 17, 2015

Abundance And Prosperity And How To Attract It

How to Attract Prosperity and AbundanceI just came to the realization that FEAR is not real. It actually feels amazing! I feel like I have been invited to a party, that has been going on for centuries. In the most case, that is the truth. Why do we focus on fear and allow it to consume us? Why do we allow fear to cut us off from abundance and prosperity? Why fear the unknown? In my perspective, now it is better to step out there and find the key to learn how to attract prosperity and abundance that is waiting for me. Because in all seriousness, it is literally sitting there waiting for you! be discovered! Abundance and prosperity is what you make it. You don't have to be rich to have an abundantly fulfilled life. But on the other hand why do we fear losing what we don't already have. We put limitations on money we have in the bank, so therefore we will be limited. Money is all around us, and you have to give to get. It is better to see what God has in store for me. But instead of seeing what is there we halt to this projection of "Can't Do." When we put this into our mind, it's like drowning in your own blood. It's really thick and hard to get out of.

There is nothing to fear, but fear itself.... Abundance and prosperity surrounds me. The terrible thing is I am just now understanding that statement. I am accepting it, and putting it away. The good thing is I discovered it NOW! I am glad that I did not die and not realize that I limited myself my entire life. The life events that led up to me ending up at home were not coincidence. Honestly I don't even believe in coincidences any more. I just discovered that I am something like a god, and I create my own world. When I snapped to, woke up, and looked around me.

I found that to be absolutely true. I will only get as far as my mind allows me to go. Deep down I know how to attract abundance and prosperity. Reality is if I don't open my mind to new things, if I don't create anything new (in my mind or the physical world), if I don't step out of my comfort zone I will continue to live in this same world that I have created for myself. I am grateful for the abundance and prosperity in my life that I have now, I know that I deserve more. I also know now that it is okay to desire more. Money does not make you a horrible person, money does not mean you are going to Hell, money does not mean that you are materialistic, money does not make you disconnected with God.

It is not what you do, it is how you do it. In order to create success and generate abundance you must know yourself. You must understand the mind, spirit, and the universe. Honestly without this knowledge you are nothing but a lost, empty vessel. You will waste a lot of your time doing things that you don't love, or things that make you happy for a second. Ultimately it is still not happiness, and you will feel even more empty than before. Affirmations for success can help you get on the road to abundance and prosperity...
I just started being honest with myself. I have known for some time that I was not happy. At that point in my life I did not know how to attract prosperity and abundance because of the fear. The silly thing is that I am not afraid that I won't succeed. I am afraid that I will. The trick to my thought is that I will become successful, then I will still not have the inner happiness that I deserve. I am realizing that I am giving away my power when I do this. Giving away your power is another subject that I want to talk about a different time.

Lately, I have been studying the Law of Attraction. Boy is it an experience! If you are studying this you have to throw fear out of the box, or this will not work for you. You know how you watch something before, but you don't pay any attention to it because you don't understand it. That was me, I watched the Secret in high school. The thing is that I was bored by it, and I said this before I didn't think abundance applied to me because I did not understand what I was hearing.

The biggest part is that I feel like I should just kick myself over and over. I will be farther in my life if I would have just paid attention. All the events in my life are my fault. In some way I attracted everything that has happened. It was my thinking. In one sense I want to laugh because it is just that simple, and in another I want to cry for two reasons: the first is that I finally realized the truth and second for being so stubborn. So what I am really trying to say here all in one nutshell is that if you are just discovering THE SECRET, don't take it lightly. This is a serious situation, and if you refuse to change your mind to change your life then you can end up missing the abundance and prosperity that the Universe or God (whatever you are comfortable with) has for you!
Abundance can come in any form that you want it to come in any form that you want it to. People mainly think of having an abundance of money. So if you are willing to change your mind to change your life then this may help you! Sometimes people need a helping hand to get on the right path.

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